This term ended successful on 27th July 2010 with various activities like athletics in which deaf as well as hearing kids participated.From 27thth July we realized a parent’s workshop. The participates were taught the following issues: to 30
-Chidren Rights, which is found in the Laws of Kenya (in relationship with the Human Rights)
– Sign language class: Parents and guidances who attended were taught sign language based on the commonly used verbs, nouns, using sign language to construct short sentences
– Roles of parents, guidances in children’s education
– Health related issues
On 8th August kids of our school also participated in the “national schools for the deaf music Competition” which took place in Kakamega. Our kids performed really well.
Maseno Deaf Self Help Group
The members of the Maseno Deaf Self Help Group and Kenya Federation of Deaf Teachers in conjunction with the Kenya Deaf Football Federation organized a football event for the Deaf. This event took place in Western Kenya Mumias school for the Deaf . Seven Deaf football clubs participated from the five provinces in Kenya. Our team “Nyanza” played well and managed to be 3rd, the event was a real success.
Upcoming events
From 21st to the 26th of September there will be the second Deaf awareness Week which takes place all around Kenya. The kids of Maseno are also going to participate in this event, so we are requesting friends and well-wishers to come and support us in any way to make the event to become a success.