Greetings from Maseno by Austine and Christine


Toys and soccer uniforms

In February the kids in Maseno received toys and stuffed animals from our partner association Kids of Maseno. All the things were distributed to the children. The team from Maseno says Thank you!

We also received the soccer uniforms. They will be used by the team (students within the school and also others belonging to the team) during the sports days which take place on a regular basis. Again we say thank you!

Greetings from Maseno! Christine and Austine!

Review of the year 2010 by Austine

This year our team has worked on the following activities:

Banner in Nairobi

Banner in Nairobi ©Nickson O. Kakiri

Theme of the Deaf Week 2010 was: “Sign Language is a Language” (related to the new constitution: “Article 7(3)(b) & 120 (1)  Kenyan Sign Language is one of the official Languages in Parliament“).

During the Deaf Week in September 2010 we made some progress in the area of public relations: In Maseno (especially at Maseno market place) we distributed flyers, people discussed about Sign Language and Deafness, and foot- and volleyball games were organized. In other parts of Kenya people, groups and associations  organized and arranged a lot of activities as well (see pictures).

The children’s home: a small office was built on the land. Now we hope that we can start very soon with the construction of the children’s home. We are working on some applications.

Workshops for parents and relatives of Deaf children were again organized. The finger alphabet and some signs from different areas (related to school, home, food, animals etc.) were taught. Furthermore we discussed general questions about Deafness and everyone exchanged personal experiences. Continue reading